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About Me

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in my services and writings. My work includes consultations and mentoring. I use a blend of many disciplines and spiritual philosophies in my sessions. I started a study of the Tarot at age 19, and since then have added knowledge of Astrology and Numerology. My psychic ability reaches into the range of clairvoyance. 


Over the years, I have also led workshops and retreats and guided tours to sacred sites around the United States and the world. My focus is on supporting others in developing their inner spiritual gifts and discovering happiness and joy in life and living. My services' motivation is to provide direction and support for my clients to make the best decisions in their lives.


I am humble in saying I am blessed with incredible Teachers and Guides in this lifetime. Not all of them showed up in a physical form as one might expect of a teacher. Nor is the interchange between us within the lines of what may be thought of as teacher and pupil.


For more than thirty years, I have been a devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda, the founder of Self-Realization Fellowship, a world-wide religion whose purpose is to disseminate the technique of Kriya Yoga. His teachings and writing is the basis of becoming the spiritual man I aspire to be. For more information, check out SRF.ORG. I am confident in saying that I have made more progress as a spiritual being than I can ever imagine without these teachings.


As for my writing, I am a contributor to – Holistic Resource Directory for the last several years. If you enter my name on the search line, a full listing of the articles I have written over the years are available. I just recently published an article I wrote twenty years ago. Sometimes we need the right moment to come before we shed light on our thoughts.


I have also authored two books on my own - The Secret Key, a book I wrote about the importance of developing our innate psychic ability as a key to the spiritual path. A book entitled Essays on Attaining Spiritual Self- Mastery - A Book for Meditation, Prayer, and Journaling - is a compilation of articles written for various web magazines and some unpublished works from over the years. 


There are tabs on at the top of this site to look at the books and find ways to purchase your copy.


I have also co-authored several more books with my partner Michael Guarino. We are always working on some type of writing to support others' spiritual journey based on our experiences. The book title co-authored with Michael Guarino is, Evolving Consciousness - A Dialog Between Two Initiates. 

Footpath through Forestilluminated by Su

We have also published our facilitator notes and timelines from some of the workshops we have facilitated throughout the last several years. These workshops fall into the category of spiritual self-discovery. There are three volumes titled Retreats in Print.


Here are the topics:


Retreats in Print - The Way of the Mystic

Retreats in Print - Spirit Guides and Invisible Influence

Retreats in Print - Relationships – The Purifier of the Soul


You can purchase our books through this site or on


Michael Guarino and I also offer lectures and workshops on spiritual topics. During the last several years, we have worked together in providing life-changing events that have been powerful for those in attendance. We continue to create new and exciting events.


​My home is in Savannah, Georgia, as of September 2020.


©2020 by Stephen Thomson. 

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